CAF-FCA is a unique, collaborative network that connects the apprenticeship community in all regions of Canada. We share insights and promising practices across trades, across sectors and across the country, supporting efforts to address barriers and encourage participation in apprenticeship training.

As a member, you receive up-to-date research, resources, tools and information in addition to networking opportunities that contribute to your organization in forming policy to meet our objectives.  Members participate in a community that advocates for optimal apprenticeship outcomes and the inclusion of diverse people in the skilled trades sector.

  • Members at the Champion, Patron, Supporter levels:
  • Receive a bi-monthly member newsletter, Apprenticeship Intelligence
  • Attend live webinars at no cost
  • Contribute to strategic direction and priorities
  • Participate on member committees and project working groups

Listen to CAF-FCA CEO, France Daviault, share highlights of the past year.



Events & Networking

Events & Networking


CAF-FCA membership offers you a voice in shaping Canada’s national apprenticeship agenda and setting future priorities. Stay informed with exclusive access to valuable information, resources, and reports covering the apprenticeship community from coast to coast. Gain unique insights from initiatives like LMI Edge™ the Apprentices in Canada ePanel, available only to CAF-FCA members.

Patron Membership

National conference registration discount: 20% for 5
Participation on webinars:
Up to 8 per event
Attendance at regional events:
3 free delegates
Access credentials for member resources: 10 users
Apprenticeship Intelligence newsletter
Standing committee representation
Contribute to strategy development
Nominate & vote in Board elections
Access to member directory
Access publicly funded research reports
Member committee participation
Opportunities to profile promising practices
Resources to promote apprenticeship training
Access ePanel reports
Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
Access national LMI data
Champion level recognition
Proud Champion Member logo
Invitation to CAF advocacy events

Champion Membership ($6,000)

National Conference registration discount: 25% for 8
Participation on webinars:
Up to 15 per event
Attendance at regional events:
5 free delegates
Access credentials for member resources: Unlimited users
Apprenticeship Intelligence newsletter
Standing committee representation
Contribute to strategy development
Nominate & vote in Board elections
Access to member directory
Access publicly funded research reports
Member committee participation
Opportunities to profile promising practices
Resources to promote apprenticeship training
Access ePanel reports
Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
Access national LMI data
Exclusive participation at Champion's Table
Proud Champion Member logo
Invitation to CAF advocacy events

Supporter Membership ($1,200)

National conference registration discount: 15% for 2
Participation on webinars:
Up to 3 per event
Attendance at regional events:
1 free delegate
Access credentials for member resources: 5 users
Apprenticeship Intelligence newsletter
Standing committee representation
Contribute to strategy development
Nominate & vote in Board elections
Access to member directory
Access publicly funded research reports
Member committee participation
Opportunities to profile promising practices
Resources to promote apprenticeship training
Access ePanel reports
Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
Access to national LMI data
Champion level recognition
Proud Champion Member logo
Invitation to CAF advocacy events