CAF-FCA research addresses the needs, interests and priorities of the apprenticeship community, providing insights that inform the programs, policies and practices of Canadian apprenticeship stakeholders.

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This report draws together the most recent apprenticeship data and projections from the Canadian System for Tracking Apprenticeship Qualifications (CANTRAQ) to provide a forward-looking assessment...

Discover effective strategies for recruiting and retaining women and equity-priority groups in the skilled trades. Gain valuable insights from employers who have successfully implemented these...

Apprentices in Canada ePanel participants completed a survey based on questions from CAF-FCA members. This ePanel survey summarizes findings about employment status, preferred learning models,...

This report aims to establish a comprehensive profile of Canada’s Red Seal workforce based on the 2021 Census of Population. Comparisons to the 2016 Census...

Highlights of CAF-FCA work over the past year.

The objectives of this study are to better understand apprentice and tradespeople’s lived experience and the supports that they need in relation to substance use,...

The objectives of this study are to better understand apprentice and tradespeople’s lived experience and the supports that they need in relation to substance use,...

The objectives of this study are to better understand apprentice and tradespeople’s lived experience and the supports that they need in relation to substance use,...