CAF-FCA research addresses the needs, interests and priorities of the apprenticeship community, providing insights that inform the programs, policies and practices of Canadian apprenticeship stakeholders.

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A snapshot of existing research and data on women’s participation in apprenticeship. Challenges and available programs are explored.

Participants at four discussion forums discussed apprenticeship-related supply and demand challenges, best practices and recommendations.

More than 100 participants gathered to discuss apprentice mobility challenges, policy changes and other emerging solutions.

This handbook highlights best practices for recruiting, retaining and mentoring apprentices based on strategies and practices employers tell us are successful.

A survey with skilled trades employers yielded insights on hiring, training and the value employers attach to apprenticeship and certification.

Qualifications-based labour market information provides new insights about the demand for apprentices and training gaps.

Employers who hire women in trades point to benefits that make it worth challenging traditional thinking about gender and the workplace.

Highlights of the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum’s work over the last year.