CAF-FCA research addresses the needs, interests and priorities of the apprenticeship community, providing insights that inform the programs, policies and practices of Canadian apprenticeship stakeholders.
Research reports are available to members based on membership level. Members must log into the website before downloading reports. If a report is not available when logged in, please contact your membership lead to upgrade your access level.
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A national survey of parents explored perceptions of the skilled trades, helping to inform career awareness outreach efforts and youth recruitment strategies.
This research explores technology trends and their impact on the skills required by apprentices, as well as implications for the delivery of apprenticeship training.
This report examines key themes affecting apprentice success in Canada and connects the dots arising from more than $1 million worth of research.
Policy brief on the barriers apprentices face returning to technical training and how the Canada Apprentice Loan might address them.
CAF-FCA identifies three areas where the federal government could have an impact regarding opportunities for youth employment in the skilled trades.
Key takeaways from a 2014 study tour on apprenticeship in Germany and England.
In Alberta’s oil and gas sector, finding people with the appropriate skills, education and experience requires companies to cooperate to find sustainable solutions.
Stakeholders met in Calgary to explore challenges and opportunities associated with recruiting and retaining young people in the skilled trades.